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Re: in pews, in the dark AND True Statements... AND change of perspective

< Care to sweep on down to Florida for that next show?? >
<<to what show are you referring?!?  i've heard nothing at all about a florida

Ah, the crazy lad in my head was just referring to 
<<Some fine day in the not-too-distant future, you and I are traveling
whatever-distance-is-required-of-us to go to an authentic Over the Rhine
concert in a small, dark venue like a tavern>>
you were saying to your friend. Meaning any show they announced wherever 
it might be... I thought 'Hey, if this most hardcore of persons is prepared to
go "whatever-distance-is-required"', who knows?, there may be hope for me yet 
if the band doesn't come back to the area this year.

<<i am truly sorry.  i should've requested sob stories and awarded the two cds
free-of-charge to the best and most convincing tales.  but i don't think
michelle will be very happy about that.
do you really want to know that you were the second person to contact me?  and
that you missed being first by only 2 minutes at the most?  i didn't think
you'd really want to know...  i am truly sorry.>>
wow. no, I was just curious. I know I'll get my mittens on them sooner or