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Re: first day od spring (Canal & Linford)

sorry for clicking send earlier.   i'll move my pencil-pointer thingy
somewhere else.   (what's this big X for?)
i had mentioned meeting Megan and Steve and Bruce and Drew.  but there were

Hiding with his own friends in the corner was Ron Brickley.  I made
everybody wave to Ron so he'd feel happy and connected with the rest of us
(or just embarassed as hell and wishing he'd never heard of the list. )
Hi, Ron.   Nice to meet you and shake your hand.

I met Brian Gardner, too.   i had to pat his fluffy head first thing,
because of what Yzzi said.  Brian is one happy guy!  i don't think i saw the
smile leave his face the entire night.  (not that there was any reason for
it to leave)   Nice to meet you, Brian.

I met Nikki!   i call her Yzzi but i can't do that anymore.  i love you
Nikki!   you rock!   i think Nikki patted my ass once.   thanks,  i haven't
had my ass patted for a long time.  felt good!    Nikki had on her corset,
draped with a black sheer lacey sleevey-thing,  and looked really nice.
applying the name-tag directly to the breast was a sweet touch,  and under
the circumstances,  perfectly sensible.   because,  try as you might,  your
eyes just ~go there~  when they are supported by that whalebone corset.
On that corset, Monica said it was amazing,  and she liked it a lot.   nice
job!   Nikki, i thought of you the next day at the toy store.  i went
looking for Animaniac Dot toys for you, but came up empty.  sorry, sweetie!
And if it weren't for Nikki, we'd still be standing by the hotel door,
wondering why the damn lock thingy wasn't working.    Nikki  totally rocks!

slightly off the subject, but speaking of toys in the toy store,  :-),   (i
love toys!)   we went to Toys R Us in Miamisburg,  and they have the Mulder
and Scully toys  with the accessory toy gizmo thing for $4.99!!!    Raven,
check your toys r us!   these make cool TV top decorations.   we bought
Mulder / body bag and Scully / Alien
tube-stuck-in-the-mouth-in-the-frozen-spacecraft- yukky- scene-thing.
well, that's that.  back to the listie meeting....

this part was really cool:   we're at our little table,  and there's an
empty chair between   Steve and Megan's friend  (thanks for the gum!), and
this  beautiful  (all OtR related women are things of beauty,  but still the
beauty must be acknowleged)  woman asked to sit,  and she didn't have a name
tag.   but when i got back from either socializing or getting another
Corona,  she had a name tag!  she was a listie!    this was cool because we
got to meet listie Amanda,  but it was also cool because listie Amanda's
face was the face of joy when Over the Rhine was playing.  what a pleasure
it was watching her groove and whisper the words and just be so damn happy
to be in the company of a band she loves.   ~that's~  the feeling to have!
she was diggin' it!   it showed,  and it was infectious.  i felt even better
because she was feeling good.   so, thank you listie Amanda!   did i mention
you're also gorgeous?

speaking of gorgeous,   Gwendra, i love you,  i love you, i love you, i love
you!    and lucky me,  i got to sit right next to her!   Bink, she's
beautiful inside and out.  get her on the list!   she wants to be a Musical
Therapist,  and help convalescing people get well through music.   does that
rock or what?    and, she knew my fssshhhhh joke!

I met Elsah from Wisconsin,  who must think me an idiot!   she tried to tell
me a story about how we first "met"  on-line,  but i think it took me 5
tries before i finally figured it out.  honestly,  i'm not usually quite so
stupid,  but god!  first impressions are pretty important and i blew that
one!    my bad.     did i mention elsah is a beautiful woman?   oh, yes,
there was no shortage of beautiful women.

and i have this on Monica's  (dearly beloved)  authority that there were no
shortages of ~very handsome men~, too,  for the edification of the women on
this list.   Jay, she thinks you're "really,  really cute!"   and she
reiterated again that Bink is adorable,  and thanks so much to the both of
you for crashing the hotel (at 2:30 in the morning!) and showing your knees!
Monica enjoyed your visit,   thanks all for coming over and telling jokes
and showing knees and risking us getting evicted  (i was kinda looking
forward to that.  i'm glad we didn't though, because while ~i~ woulda
thought it would be a fine cap to a fine evening,  i know dearly beloved
would have thought otherwise.     and we did the pool and the whirlpool the
next morning.     (there's nothing quite so delightfully unexpected as a
young woman swimming in a white t-shirt in the morning.  ahhh,  life!
musta left the bathing suit at home!)  well, obviously i digress.....

i hooked up again with "old friend" Chris Emery.
i hooked up for the second time with "new friends"  Bink and Lynzi.   Lynzi
"has a lovely face and a melodious speaking voice.  i'll bet she sings well,
too"  was how monica summed up her meeting with Lynzi.   she is lovely.
very, very, lovely.   and sweet as honey, too.  yumm!

did i mention the "i love you, Gwendra" part?   just checking.

Megan, also as sweet as honey,  and with nice hair that i ran my fingers
through a little after chris did  it and didn't get slapped,  invited me to
church the next morning.    nice offer.  made me almost feel all warm and
fuzzy inside.

then i spoke at some length with Hazel Henderson.   i had met and talked
with Hazel once before, in Ann Arbor  (when i met Burrill---hi, B!)  and
here's the really amazing part:  she asked me where my wife was!   she
remembered her, too!   wow!    i told her that she was in a hotel just
outside town, etc, etc, woof, woof, woof.   But this was different.  Linford
remembered that Monica had a sister up Ann Arbor-way and that blew M away
when  he revealed that,  but it's different because Linford has met us
several times and Hazel has not.   Well, no more than 3, anyway.   so i
thought that was really cool,  and so did Monica when i told her.

you know what we should have done?   put on our name tags where we were
from!   Linford saw me and said thanks for coming all the way down from
Kent, but shit!  Kent is nothing compared to California,  Wisconsin,
Indiana,  Philadelphia!     next time we gotta do the "hometown"  thing.

And next time somebody's gotta remember a camera!    who asked?  Candace?
Amy Romania?   no, i don't think there were any photo's  taken.    I-M'ing
Chris just now revealed that Bruce took some shots on night two,  so that's
good.     send 'em to Eric,  please!

oh,  that was one hell of a night of good times.   thanks all who made it

thanks, Linford,  Karin,  and Jack!   without you....

Amanda,  reintroduce yourself to the list!  say "hi"  now that you know us.
well, that or run for dear life, i guess.

did i mention Gwendra lately?   i'd be happy to send her this AT&T web
thingy disk i'm  not gonna use so she can get on-line.

Bink, how ya liking Mary's Danish?   did i do alright?

love to all.


np:  Kate Bush  __Hounds of Love__

p.s.   i kinda like my new Plow On Boy cd.    nice opener.   nice little

