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Flame stirring

john davis <hellomynameisj at yahoo_com> wrote:

>i remember once i
>ordered a boxed set for my friend meighan's birthday.
>you guys sent it in a lovely wooden cigar box, wrapped
>it up and wrote her name in lovely caligraphy on it.
>when she opened it, it was like finding a treasure or a
>secret box of mysteries that once released, would
>change the world forever.

I would like to suggest that everyone take a moment and think about
who actually does this sort of thing.  Do 
you really think that Linford and Karin are packaging up orders and
mailing them out with tender loving 
care?  From reading post after post after post, it seems that the
majority of the people who do post think that everything being done
comes directly from Linford.  Frankly, it tends to make my stomach
turn a bit that so 
much credit (of which at least some is undue) is given to this one
man.  Will there ever be a time when Linford is just a human being to
you?  Or is he always going to be this 'artist' you place on a
pedestal so high that to find out he is just another human, really no
different than anyone else you know when you get down to it, would
distort your entire world view?  I realize that that statement is a
bit 'over the top,' but hopefully you get the idea.  

I would say, based on observations of personnel changes over the
years, that it's a pretty safe bet that the 
person who packaged said cigar box with such loving care is no longer
working with Over the Rhine.  Seems 
like none of the original cast of support characters is (the Todds,
the Don, the Donna - how many of you even 
know who Donna is?, the Shelly, the Ric, the Mike...).  Whether the
decision to leave is made by them, or by 
Linford, I can't begin to guess.  I do feel sure that whoever packaged
said gift is no longer a part of the picture.

Also, why is it no one here seems to be the least bit offended that
Linford would solicit membership in a 
one-year club which would provide four-newsletters and various other
items and not deliver?  He certainly 
cashed my check quickly enough.  How many years has our one-year
membership now spanned?  And how many newsletters have we received? 
The reason many of you don't remember Northern Spy #3 is because it
was a one-page letter listing tour dates, not the epistle you have
come to expect.  Any other organization that did the same thing - took
money for a product they didn't deliver - would have people up in
arms.  But for some reason Linford Enterprises Inc. doesn't raise your
ire at all.

nkorobov at clarku_edu wrote:

>I find the idea of writing to your "fans" asking them if you should
>"go big" or stay "ma-n-pop" to be offensive.

Here's my smarmy response that you are sure to find offensive:  'Thank
heavens.  Finally someone who 
hasn't yet been indoctrinated into the "Linford:  Poet for the Masses,
Thinker of Great Thoughts, Friend of 
Small Animals and Fans" school of thought.'

I also find it interesting that people were so offended when
'white.ce.2' wrote that Linford and Karin should 
use contract players, yet when Linford says that they're going to be
playing as Linford, Karin and Jack no one says "hey, what about the
rest of the band?"  Brian has been around longer than anyone but
(yes, even longer than Karin) - doesn't anyone wonder what the deal is
with him?  What about Terri?  
What about whoever it is they have playing bass since Mike left?  (I
personally believe that 'left' is faulty 
word choice but that's how it has been presented to us, so be it.)

What is OTR to you?  Is it Linford and Karin and whoever else they
choose to have along for the ride?  Is it Linford, Karin and Brian and
whoever else?  Is it Linford?  Is it only Karin?  Is it Linford, Karin
and Terri?  Is it Linford, Karin, Brian and Ric?  If it isn't just
Linford and Karin to you, why would the suggestion that they use
contract players bother you?

I am not new to this list, as time has passed so has my email address.
 Would knowing my name make what 
I say any more valid to any of you?  From reading what has been posted
virtually since the lists inception, I doubt it.  

What if I am Brian?  What if I am Todd?  What if I am Linford?  What
if I am Shelly?  What if I am Jo?  What if I am Ric?  What if I am
Donna?  What if I am just another lurker?  What if I am Chris?  What
if I am Bink?  What if?  How does knowing who I am make your reaction
to what I have said any different?  If you'd like to discuss this in
more depth feel free to email me directly, I will respond.

Enough of me, I'm heading 'out of the bitter barn to play in the hay
now.'  You've gotta love Phoebe.

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