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Re: Canal Street or bust

bink said:
> yes, folks, friends, and fuzzie wuzzies, the binkster will be at the
> saturday show at canal street.

my prayers have been answered...

> now, where to crash for the night?
> and meghan, if you can get me an extra ticket for her, i'd love you
> forEVER....

well, binhk, i'll see what i can do...i had another similar request
today and may be brining a friend as well...so i will do my best...i
bought seven today...that's a lot of tickets...

> and if it's as warm in Dayton this weekend as it is here in fort wayne
> now.... hmmmmm.... think *plaid.*

well i'd certainly be getting my money's worth, wouldn't i...

i think it's safe to say that since bink is offically coming, the real
planning begins...(no offense intended to those of you coming from
say....california...texas...!)  seriously, we're all going to be
standing around for quite some time on saturday night...and chris and
i have discussed the situation...we've come to a decision that people
need to bring food...like maybe in return for picking up jg's tickets,
he'd like to bring some fresh brownies to my hometown...to share with
all, of course...maybe somebody wants to bring peanut butter
m&m's...the big 2# bag...or maybe someone could bring some brita...or
kool-aid...or salt & vinegar potato chips...i could bring, like,
nuggets or something...

ok...so who's bringing what?  we could have a veritable
smorgasborg-type conglomeration of shareable edibles or something like

anyway...bink, i'm bringing pictures...chris, since you feel you don't
hold enough esteem to be called "mr", you will now be known as "sir
emery of the house of acronym"...

and since bink gets to be the elbow of the body of christ, can i be
the little indentation thingy between the lips and the nose?

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