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Re: Canal Street or bust


that nice binkster said:>
that's good enough for me!  bink's coming!  woo-hoo!

>yes, folks, friends, and fuzzie wuzzies, the binkster will be at the
>saturday show at canal street.

i don't know about you, but i wanna be a "fuzzy wuzzy"

then bink said,>
>now, where to crash for the night?
what's the status on the "group rate hotel plan" ?    has anyone actually
done the legwork on this?     set something up?     i'm thinking "fold the
backseat flat and crash in the trunk."   works on the pittsburgh turnpike,
oughta work in Dayton.    but, if there are fun listies to hang with at a
hotel somewhere,   maybe i'll abandon the hobo suite.

now,   where can we buy ice cream in dayton?

jeff/rebecca:   you kids going down?   no, wait, let me rephrase!   you
making the trip to Dayton?     wanna pool?

heather:  come on.        you know you want to...

megan:   thanks!  big hug!

>and if it's as warm in Dayton this weekend as it is here in fort wayne
>now.... hmmmmm.... think *plaid.*

i'll  have to see if i have my plaid Chucks.    maybe that's one of Dearly
Beloved's pair.

gotta get a new sharpie for my "listie sign".      i saw red ones at Marc's
today.    now,  all we need is an attractive woman  to volunteer to carry it
about the room.

how many of you will i see saturday?     this should be big-fun.      so,
this won't be a full-band show?   that might prove kinda fun in an
MTV-unplugged sort of way.
