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Re: beyond coffee (was:self-promotion+a netiquette request)

 prophetically, Rick Callender <binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com> wrote:

> funny you should say "Protestant conservatism" since traditionally and
> stereotypically, it is the Catholic church which is often seen as
> conservative. don't get me wrong here, please, for i am NOT trying to
> start a flame war....

i think there are liberal catholics too... 

> one thing to keep in mind is that referring to Protestants as a WHOLE
> as being conservative is simply untrue. you are probably familiar all
> too well with the "Religious Right." sadly, i think that's what comes
> to mind when many think of Protestantism. that is not to say that
> there are not conservative Protestants, for there are. Lutherans are
> different from Baptists are different from Episcopals are different
> from Brethren..... I would agree that many Catholic churches in the US
> provide good mission services to the poor, but they are not the only
> ones who run soup kitchens, shelters, medical facilities for the poor,
> etc.... 

yes- there are liberal and conservative protestants *and* catholics. 
life's complicated.
> i can understand the comment someone made about falling  out of
> "churchianity." that, my friend, is the problem. many churches spend
> too much time thumbing noses at each other rather than working
> together. this even goes for some churches within the same
> denomonation, in my experience.

too true, too true.

> no church is perfect. the fact is that some churches are better at
> outreach and services to the needy than others. some are too afraid.
> some are under-equipped, or do not have access to what they need for
> such tasks. there are many reasons that go beyond the Catholic vs.
> Protestant argument. quite honestly, i get tired of it. it's plain
> silly after awhile.


> wow. did i write all that?

yes. the spirit move sin mysterious ways, eh?


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