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Re: self-promotion+a netiquette request

John wrote:

> acording to whom?
> some of the *best* coffee i've ever had is brewed by the lovely 
> who own La Tazza Bella in chicago. they're very catholic. i 
> remind you that "espresso" is an italian word... italy is the *home*
> of Rome.


You are on it, man. Read ahead and see what you started!

I have been to La Taza Bella twice. (I live only 2 miles from there in 
the Mexican 'hood.) Somehow my experience there suggests a 
significant coffee and religion connection. Let me explain:

Neither time I visited did I drink their coffee. The first time I was 
there, I met up with a crew of protestant university kids having their 
Campus Crusade meeting. Somehow, I didn't feel particulary in 
need of it, as the meeting was brief, and I was late. The second 
time, I met a protestant lass there who turned what I hoped to be a 
friendly chat with someone I recently met into the most pointless 
rendevous I have *ever* had, of any kind, with anyone. She decided 
to leave after five minutes of saying virtually nothing, and she 
expected that I would stay there alone to drink coffee by myself. Of 
course not, idgit, I have my own coffeemaker, thank you! So, 
somehow, in both cases the protestant presence at this otherwise 
Catholic coffeeshop spoiled, or at least inhibited me from having a 
good coffeedrinking experience.

However, the coffee I drink at a protestant church every Sunday is 
quite good. I wish its excellence would spill over into the rest of the 
churchgoing experience, but, sigh, I am fallen out of love with 

As far as quality goes, I would say that I much prefer well brewed 
Folgers to some of the exotic sinwater I've tried which seems to be 
burnt to a crisp (Starbucks, are you listening!) or otherwise weird.

My problem right now is my little Black and Decker 1 cup doesn't 
get the water hot enough to make the coffee as strong as I want it. 
We Americans tend to brew big cups of weak stuff, while I am 
much more into the Venezuelan "cafecito" concept. A little cup of 
strong, and I mean strong!, coffee with milk and sugar. The shot 
glass sized coffee is the perfect token of hospitality and 
momentary, caffeine imbiding, moments of leisure....not that 
Venezuela doesn't already have months of leisure built into the 
Catholic inspired, puritain-free lifestyle! 

> > newbie Mikey McVey writes:

Am I a "newbie"? Perhaps to y'all. But the fact that I have sent over 
700 messages, from four different internet addresses, to friends 
and others in the past 3 years might suggest I am not some AOL-
loving moron. (sorry AOL'ers, many of y'all are cool. just not all of 
you. :) Oh, and I am working part time at the Tech Support help 
desk at an internet service provider here in Chicago. 

> besides, let's say you had to choose between coffee brewed by, say,
> walker percy or bishop desmond tutu as opposed to michael w. smith or
> james dobson.... and dobson knows that coffeeshops are dangerous
> breeding grounds for rock fans, multiculturalists and *gasp* young
> couples *holding hands* coffee promotes sin.
> if you want to know how michael w. smith would brew coffee, he owns a
> cafe in nashville tn called rocketown. if you're ever in nasdhville,
> don't waste your time: go instead to cafe coco off of state street.
> for the record, i'm episcopalian, and i brew my *own* coffee, and i
> used to sling espresso in the bourgious pig cafe in chicago, and i had
> "fans."

May I ask the real name of this shop? Of course, if it really is 
called "Bourgiose Pig Cafe" it can't quite be that anymore. 
Because this kind of pig can't name itself because it thinks it is the 
only oinker in the world, and thus needs no name.
> a recovering fundamentalist.

I guess I struck a chord here. 

Now, who is gonna get us back to this topic of whether it is 
appropriate to give the bird to Ma Theresa, tho she be dead, in a 


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