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Re: self-promotion+a netiquette request

---Rick Callender <binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com> wrote:
> newbie Mikey McVey writes:
> > Oh, and one more thing. What is Jimbat's problem with Mother
> > Teresa? I find such a condeming sentiment, expressed in an email
> > signature, rather illiberal for an Over the Rhine fan. I daresay she
> > and the Catholic church have been substantially better at seeking
> > social justice for the poor than most Protestant fundamentalists
> > have been.


> yeah? well, that may or may not be so, but we make a better cup of
> coffee.

acording to whom?

some of the *best* coffee i've ever had is brewed by the lovely folks
who own La Tazza Bella in chicago. they're very catholic. i needn't
remind you that "espresso" is an italian word... italy is the *home*
of Rome.

as for fundamentalist coffee, it's usually folger's crystals or worse,
local grocery store brand, and it's been watered down, after being
brewed in one of those massive percolators, and it's in the corner of
the church lobby, held by 2 oz cups. there's no cream, only nondairy
creamer and no sugar, only equal (bleah.) and there's almost *no*
caffiene in it, because caffiene is a diuretic and protestant
fundamentalist sermons last *hours*, and they don't want you going to
the bathroom during the sermon...
besides, let's say you had to choose between coffee brewed by, say,
walker percy or bishop desmond tutu as opposed to michael w. smith or
james dobson.... and dobson knows that coffeeshops are dangerous
breeding grounds for rock fans, multiculturalists and *gasp* young
couples *holding hands* coffee promotes sin.
if you want to know how michael w. smith would brew coffee, he owns a
cafe in nashville tn called rocketown. if you're ever in nasdhville,
don't waste your time: go instead to cafe coco off of state street.

for the record, i'm episcopalian, and i brew my *own* coffee, and i
used to sling espresso in the bourgious pig cafe in chicago, and i had


a recovering fundamentalist.

np- u2- achtung baby.

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