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Riding on the USS Complain

---Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
> ps-- Having just heard from bink, I am forced, once again, to say,
damn, I
> wish I'd been there. Heard it was Dy-no-MITE!
This is what I hear everytime you guys get together. Yet I remain
stuck in arkansas with, I think, maybe, one other listie who hasn't
posted in so long I can't even remember his name. I mean, sure, I have
friends around here I hang out with, have dinner with, see shows with,
etc. But they're not cool like you people. Well, OK, they are. But
it's never cool stuff like Anne E. or OtR. Well, Ok, it is. But, I can
go on all day about how cool Evanescence and the Visitors and other
local favorites around here are. But I'm still a (noisy) voice of one.
For all I know those performers and venues in Ohio all suck. But it
sounds so cool just because you all keep raving. Dammit, I want
validation! And people to hang out with who like the same music I do.
Is that too much to ask? 

BSC (who's made it painfully obvious it's monday morning and he hasn't
had enough coffee, and no one's shown up with pastries yet.)

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