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self-promotion+a netiquette request

Hello listies!

I have enjoyed the list, though I could offer a couple suggestions: 

1.) Use the subject field precisely and accurately. I find it a bit 
confusing to see Re:King Crimson and not get a single mention of 
this band (which I as a proghead (obsessed with early Kansas in 
high school) am very curious about, so fill me in y'all.) 

2.) You all are welcome to stop by my homepage                  

I will be adding lots of stuff, like pictures of my travels, and MIDI 
files of awesome classic music to it over the following weeks, as 
time permits and I get my hands on a web publish program that 
actually works! And please, compu-geeks, DON"T TELL ME I 
SHOULD JUST LEARN HTML CODE! Life is too short for that!

Oh, and one more thing. What is Jimbat's problem with Mother 
Teresa? I find such a condeming sentiment, expressed in an email 
signature, rather illiberal for an Over the Rhine fan. I daresay she 
and the Catholic church have been substantially better at seeking 
social justice for the poor than most Protestant fundamentalists 
have been. 
