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Re: Topical Drift

Joshua M. Neds-Fox wrote:

> Hey all--
> Having e-mail but no internet service, this is the only fan listserve I
> know about.  The 'small world' post about Grinch 99 being at the Anne E.
> site made me start thinking...
> who subscribes to other fan listservers?  What bands other than OTR move
> you to daily discussion?  Or maybe it's not bands, maybe it's.... something
> else...
> jnf

Almost forgot about this one.....

How nice of you to ask.

I'm on a Liz Phair digest and a 10K Maniacs digest.
The maniacs digest comes about once a month.
I used to be on the juliana hatfield and innocence mission discussion
lists at school and I was briefly on heather nova.

I'm attached to a bunch of alt's.
From artificial intelligence philosophy to perl-tk to mazzy star
but I don't get out there much.

I dig this list because the posts are relatively few but mostly interesting.
Even though I've only met like (crutch) one of you.


np: _arches and aisles--The Spinanes  (This album is delicious.)
