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Re: anne e


 that nice Lara asked:>
>Does anyone know how much tickets are for the Anne E. show in kent the
night of
>march 5th that we've all been discussing. I'm thinking of heading out for
>show and to visit a few friends in  Canton, but...

sometimes somebody takes a couple bucks at the door,  i don't think i ever
paid more than $4,  except in the other case,  where  the house passes
around the collection coffee-pot and you stuff cash into it.  the i guess
it's whatever you figure she's worth.   a couple of nickels here,  a C-note
there,  you know....whatever.   she's cheap.  your dinner will cost more.
remind me to buy whatever it is that Marie gets.  it always looks so good,
but i end up ordering the ever-delicious  veggie chili stuff.

     YAY!   more "lostie friends"  are showing up.  we may be close to/
around 10 now.   lemme see....  yeah, i think at least 10!  whee-doggie!

i guess i should throw in the addy for the  anne e. site.   probably a good
idea to check here prior to coming in  because of the possibility of a
click on to  www.geocities.com/SoHo/1593   or 'phone (216)  ((the newest
card says area 215--i don't know if that's new and real or just a typo))

cool.   well, gotta go to Chi-Chi's.  see you later!
