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Your fire burns me...like widgets, Mitches and lesbians.

hi all,

CeeBee wrote:

> when I want to hear "bothered" on my eve cd, I have to either go to 
> "falling" and fast-forward or go to "bothered" and rewind.  a bit 
> annoying.

Amen!  I have the same problem!  I think it's pretty much universal
though.  And to make it even more annyoing you can't put the thing on
repeat (something I invaribly do with every song I fall in love
with--yes even "cast me away"--for three days straight).  I finally just
taped the thing like 8 times or something and listened that way when I
started jonesing for "I feel you move like smoke in my eyes...your fire
burns me like a favourite song..."  Oh for the perfect smoky setting
with just Karin, a stand up bass and dim cobalt lights *(wink to susan)*
that would be ecstasy...

oh well back to reality.

yes, I do have the same problem.

personal note to self:  Why can't I look at the three words "witches
lesbians and midgets" without laughing?  must be some sort of mental
glitch there--maybe some sort of cerebral black hole.  "It's just a jump
to the left..."


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