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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #325

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998 17:37:19 -0500 cecook <cecook at sccoast_net> writes:

> i know everyone's entitled
>to their own opinion.  though i will have to kill you, of course, if
>speak poorly of them again. ;)

then kill me. ;{)}

personally, R.E.M. has been pop ever since Green.  the early days is when
they were an alternative band. (note the lower case "a" in alternative. 
this is not to be confused with "Alternative" with the big "A" which
basically means "shit music") now R.E.M. sounds like every other
Alterna-Pop group out there.  They are no longer a trend-setting band. 
instead, they now follow it. Maybe someday i'll open my copy of Monster,
but for now, it makes a good dust collecter.  i'd rather be listening to
Marry me Jane or Madder Rose....

of course, this is my *humble* opinion.... ;{)}

>be good,



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