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My trip to Cincinatti, but no OTR

Hiya, all my favorite listies and such,

I a m very excited because in less than I month, i will be traveling to 
Cincinatti with some friends to help them drive from Philly to Ohio. 
They are going to a Phish show, but I don't have tickets. But, since I 
loves Cincinatti so much the last time I was there (Emery, 96) I really 
wanted to go back. 

I know that alot of you  live in the town or at least in surounding 
areas and I thought maybe we could have a bit of a get together.

so, my question is..... who's up for a really good time on November 
14th? IT's a saturday night and so there has to be something else 
happening in town besides this Phish show.

Oh, and I talked to Ysobelle, and she says she is coming and she will 
bring her corset, so there you go, a reason in itself.

anyway, let me know if you think you'd like to do something this night 
and we'll all make some plans.


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