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Re: i'm back, and at least Jessyka missed me (thanks! Jessyka)

wiping milk from the monitor, Ysobelle at aol_com writes regarding what

cemery at iwaynet_net wrote:

>>And the reason I didn't talk more about Yzzi's breasts (apart
>>from matters of taste) is that I have trouble finding the words....
>Dammit, Chris, you just made me snarf Frosted Mini-Wheats all over my 

LOL!  i'd pay money to see that one!

the wheaty side i love how down it goes,
but the sweetened side slides nicely out my nose!

>And considering it just came back from having all the smoke damage 
>out, we are not amused. How would I explain THAT to the guys at 
>Maintenance? "Well, this guy Chris told 500-odd people that my breasts 
>him speechless, and I was eating dinner at the time, so...."

hey, i'm just amazed at all the things you can hide in there! ;{)}


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