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Re: Welcome Newbies (was Re: otr/vol connection)

In a message dated 9/23/98 2:19:24 PM, cemery at iwaynet_net wrote:

>On an entirely unrelated note, the restaurant I usually go to for
>lunch has introduced new outfits for the wait staff.   These new
>outfits include a tie with lots of herbs on it, and suspenders.
>Today, one of the waitresses asked me if I thought the suspenders made
>her breasts look bigger.  So, I'm wondering...what's the *right*
>answer to that question?   Should I just be done with it, and ask her
>out?  I swore off asking out waitresses at least a year ago, but...

What, did you not have enough of breasts at the faire this weekend, Chris?

Just for the record, folks, I want to state here and now that this man makes
some kick-ass French Toast. Honest to G-d. And there's photographic evidence
out there, too.