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Re: emery shows

They've played Emery six times total, like this:

24 Mar 94 (a Thursday?  that can't be right):
Prep for Eve show, where they played most of the Eve tunes, plus "Little
Blue River".  The show also was marked for they played "Don't Cry Blue"
and "Murder" live for the first time (and last time?) with an audience.
Great show.  My mom even liked it.

16 Dec 94 (Friday): Christmas show.  I vaguely recall big old fashioned
Christmas lights strewn about the stage.  Don't remember any opener --
I think it was just the organist from Emery.

16 Dec 95 (Sat): Christmas show.  Made infamous from the well-recorded tape
that was broadcast on WNKU.  This is where the "Fever" and "Drowning" came
from on "Besides".  We attended a wedding that night, came to the show to
hear Drowning from the lobby and hung out with Donna and bought the HDIF
promo CD single that they were selling at the time.  I do believe that
Gordon Henderson was the opener for this, Chris gets bonus points.  The NKU
OtR christmas show for this featured some great stuff; Latter Days live
(with no piano) and Merry Go Round (a brilliant Henderson song that the band
guested on and Karin sang backup).

One in Dec '96 (Mulvey, brilliant; I remember at the time thinking he'd be
a great replacement for Ric); you know all about this though.
Two in Dec '97 (well documented shows)


--NP8Tr: Fleetwood Mac - _Rumours_
