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Last night...

"Last night I dreamt Margo signed Damian's baseball
 This morning realized it wasn't a dream at all
 Karin was nowhere to be found;
 That 'Over the' band must have skipped town
 Those Cowboy fans are a different breed;
 Bred from a 50s or 60s seed
 But Scott was there to bring the average down
 Last night I saw the Rhine, they kinda rocked me down..."

OK, I should leave that to Damian.

Bulletpoint review:

* Venue: Taft, I'd never seen 'em there before.  Nice place.  My vote to
  replace the Emery as the Christmas venue if it really is closed.

* Setlist: Faithfully / Tumbleweeds / Seahorse / Anyway / All I Need /
  Poughkeepsie / Moth / Latter Days.  Pretty different than Candace's,
  but pretty typical Cincinnati fare.  Crappy that they only played 8
  tunes on home turf.

* Wade's a pretty darned good pop bassist.

* The live mix was probably the best of any of the MANY MANY OtR shows
  I've seen.  Karin was pretty vocal and really into singing, which
  always makes for a worthwhile show.

* Not a lot of banter.  Karin only, but typical stuff.

* Karin: Print dress, combat boots.  Terri:  Black sheer, hair down jg.
  Linford: Blue shirt that Margo thinks makes him look "handsome". ?!

* Margo is amazing that she greets any fan after the show.  Heck, she even
  says she will before they play the last song.  It's basically like "let
  me put on something comfortable and any of you with CDs or T-shirts or
  cameras that want to stick around, I'll be out front."  Wow.  Are there
  ~any~ other signed bands that do this?

* The "bad" brother Alan Timmons plays a kick ass drumset.  Really light,
  and a really great mix of expressive playing and cymbal loops.

* Jeff Bird was another backup musician on stringed instruments/harmonica
  and percussion (no Brian for CJ's set).  He was really good at the guitar,
  but I swear he picked up 3 instruments per song.  Kinda weird.

