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Re: Karin's Hot! (was Re: My view....)

> Were any other old-school types surprised in a similar manner?
Yup.  We saw them at Schuba's in probably '94 (possibly later), and before
the band came out my chatty friend Kathleen and I were talking to some people.
We had followed them in our college (Univ of Cincinnati) days and were 
interested in knowing how other people had heard of them.

Hell, in '92/'94, you couldn't MOVE in Cincinnati without seeing OtR posters
or flyers tacked up all over the cool spots, reading about them in the news-
paper or alternative press, or hearing them on the radio.  Chicago's another
thing though.

They said they saw them at a religious festival for a few years running and
we laughed and assumed they had the wrong band.  After the band arrived on 
stage, we asked 'em, and sure enough.

I've been crossing the yellow line between perplexed at the notion and
baffled that I hadn't made the connection myself ever since.
