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Re: "OtR" on letterman

> but it's nothing to write home about, kids.

sorry you feel that way... ithought it was great. ya, granted karen and 
linford weren't really in the scene, but hey, it was the cowboyjunkies 
gig. they didn't have to let K&L even on. you are right at what i think 
you are getting at...for those of us here who remember seeing otr back in 
1990 at places like "the daily double", "sudsys" and the like it was real 
special seeing them on the 'ol boob tube. granted the mix wasn't great 
but hell, when was the last time YOU were on letterman!?! (that wasn't 
meant as a flame by the way, just a reality of the situation). i thought 
karen sounded great with margo and it makes me even more anxious to see 
the show live. take care.


jeff k.

jeff at smlab_com
jeff at viewsnet_com           http://www.viewsnet.com
kwicherdambelyakin          http://www.argos.org/~jeff

As you get older, your broad mind and narrow waist start to swap places.
