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another post about cstone

Well, i finally made it back from cornerstone last evening (i spent the night
at a friend's house in cleveland before coming home).  Cornerstone rocked,
though i spent more time just hanging out with friends than going to shows.  I
spent much of my time in the exhibition tents, either working beki hemingway's
booth (though it was only up half of friday and on saturday, and i only had a
total of 5 hours over three shifts), or hanging out behind the sixpence booth,
or with my sister when she was working at the prism booth, or with her when
she was hanging out behind the joy electric / velvet blue table with ronnie
martin and cloud and bluestar and all of them.  During the whole rainstorm, i
was safe behind the sixpence booth (telling people that no, the band isn't
here yet, and no, we don't know when they'll be getting here, and no, this
guy's my friend eric and he's not matt slocum, no matter what you may think).

Highlights of cstone (show-wise): over the rhine (of course), sixpence (i love
their new stuff), havalina rail co, beki hemingway (if you weren't there, you
missed a great show), the illegal somerset show (they just set up a show next
to the skate ramp (not in the impromptu tent))...the list goes on.

Anyway, on to the otr show.

I know much of this has been said already, but i'm too lazy to weed through my
notes and take out what others have said, so deal with it.  And i've never
done a show review before, so sorry in advance that this'll be rather bad.

Over the Rhine, at Cornerstone 1998.  Midnight on saturday, 4 july, 'til about
2 o'clock in the morning on sunday.  At the gallery / compassion stage (i hate
how all the tents have two names).

The setup:  I was about five rows back, and to the right of the stage (when
facing the stage, that is), right in line with the speakers.  Again facing the
stage, linford was on the right, complete with organ and what appeared to be
freshly-cut hair.  Wade, for the most part, was hidden for me behind the
organ's speaker.  Brian, behind his bullet-proof glass, was obscured behind
the organ itself.  Karin was front and center; terry was to the left (hair
up); jack was behind 'em.

The songs (and other comments):

Faithfully Dangerous
---from the crowd: "we can't hear you!  more vocals!"  Karin's response: "You
can't hear me?  Tell him."  (points to sound guy.)  (laughter from the crowd.)
?? -- I have no idea what this was.  No one else has listed it yet.  It was a
really short song, and, as far as i can tell, the only lyrics were "don't you
wanna see...don't you wanna seeeeeeee," and it involved much of karin's
"ahhhhh" 's and voice-going-all-over things that she does so well.  Anyone
know what this was?
All i need is everything
Etcetera Whatever
Everyman's Daughter
---Karin comments about jack being legal, and about trying new material.
I will remember
---Karin talks about the upcoming tour.
Whatever you say
---Karin tells about meeting her half-sister for the first time at her
father's funeral.
---Karin wishes "emma" a happy birthday.
And Can it Be

*first encore*
Jack's Valentine --- this flat-out rocked.  Best part was when the gals are
holding out that really long note...Linford: "I want to trip myself..."
(loooong pause, girls are holding note) "....oh well i want to trip myself and
fall upon your fabulous sword..."
Lucy --- started a couple times, karin says "that didn't sound right" (i think
it was fine).  Start again, played through song.
Latter Days

*second encore*
Rhapsodie (with Karin's intro)
Go Down Easy -- i think someone might've been a tad out of tune on this
one...linford kept cringing during it.  There was much laughter in the
audience when karin sang "cut my hair off too."

And so that's about it for my comments.  For the most part, the sixpiece
sounded quite together and tight.  And having not seen them since september, i
loved it.  Their new stuff was amazing.  Wow.

