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An interview! (no OTR)

I'm one step closer to getting a real job!  I guess if you send enough
resumes out you're bound to get at least one reply!  I have an interview
in Baltimore next Thursday... I also plan on hitting a couple of other
places I sent resumes to, since I'll be there and all...  I'll be out of
town this week and out of town at least the last half of next week....
what'll I do when I can't check my e-mail everyday?  Is this what happens
when you get a life?  So fear not (or celebrate, take your pick) if you
don't hear from me in a little while...

I'm also going to look into getting a different e-mail service, one I can
take with me wherever I go and one which I can get to on my Mac. (juno
doesn't do Mac for some stupid reason, so my addy is currently on Pa's
evil PC.)  When that eventually happens I'l let everyone know so they can
continue sending me hate mail... ;{)}  It'll still be binkmeisterrick,
just @somewhere.else...

I'm yet another graphic art whore tryin' to make a buck off of
technology...  A friend of mine gave me a paint with water colouring book
as a present.  You know, the kind where you only need a wet brush because
the paint is already on the page... I'm thinking of putting one of these
in with the rest of my portfolio.  What do you think?  Will it get me the
job? ;{)}

the next rembrandt,


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