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Re: Re: nader/green party (political - duh)

I disagree.  I think the electoral college is silly and outdated.  What
it does is polarize geographic areas, and it makes dissenters voices
count for less.  Some areas are so overwhelmingly one party that the
votes for the other party (or for an independent) get overwhelmed and
have no representation in the electoral college at all.  This seems
un-democratic to me, especially in the world of mass communication and
global culture.

quoting Peter T. Chattaway:
> When the vote's that close, you might as well flip a coin.  And keep
> in
> mind, too, that thanks to the Electoral College, you've never *had* a
> "one
> person, one vote" system.  Nor should you.  The Electoral College is
> actually a *good* thing.  I mean, can you imagine if Gore (and Bush)
> had
> begun demanding recounts all across the *entire country*!?
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