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Re: [OTR] [OTR] Re: Re: dem primary

Ysobelle said:

> I cannot have my first choice-- Bartlett- but I would be happy with Kerry,
> or Clark, or Edwards, or Dean, or Kucinich, who are, at this moment, my
> remaining choices.

I'm on a team participating in a sustainable design competition for
Congressman Bartlett.  (http://www.bartlett.house.gov/)

But no, he's not running for President EITHER.

I just saw West Wing the other night for the first time in ages.  And then
I had the pleasure of trying to explain Social Security to my thirteen
year old.  And discovered that my mother and I agree on at least one
political issue.  ;)

OTR content:  I did an aural double-take the other day in Starbucks... I
realized I was tapping my toe to "Show Me."   Not a huge surprise, as
they're on the Starbucks compilation CD, but nice to hear them in public

It's a snow day, and I have to get to work... happy Friday, all!
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