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RE: Over-The-Rhine Digest V5 #431

I'm up way past my bedtime because I trapped a mouse in my closet this morning and can still hear it scurrying around... So it's a sleeping bag in the living room for me! (Yea! Camping! ;)

First of all, beating dead horses merely for the sake of doing so is just plain cruel. But in defense of the poor, lifeless horse...

The list is best.

Mr. Troy Miller, you are my hero for the day. My sentiments exactly.

Keith said:
Threads provide much better continuity for longer discussions.

Troy deftly replied:
Not for me. I absolutely *hate* having to click through every message, and the forum setup encourages people to not quote the person before them (since they assume the reader can just "go back up the tree."). Done correctly, a list style conversation works *much* better for me.

So simple and hassle-free. Scrolling down through the occasional piece of spam is a very small price to pay.

You can just scroll through an entire topic instead of opening related emails in isolation sequentially and patching them together in your head.

Or you can have the whole conversation interwoven, just like a real conversation, without having to scroll up and down to remember what the heck we're talking about.

Yup. And another reason I love the list is all of the personalities that come through... People aren't automatons who stick closely to one subject per post... And it's *wonderful*. I shudder to think of all the hysterical laughter I would've missed out on if I only read the topics that I thought would "interest" me. Plus, that's the point of a community. It isn't neat and tidily packaged... This ol' imaginary apple orchard is overgrown and wild...thank God. ;)

Sleepy-eyed lostee,
Ana Maria

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