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RE: Re: RE: archives

Keith wrote:
"......My "anti-list" post began life as a private expression of
frustration to a
sympathetic listee, who dared me to post it to the list.  Thus I must
acknowledge some hypocrisy in accusing others here of immature behavior.
enlightenment comes
in the hard light of morning
to Keith from NY......"

Trudes responds (ad nauseum):

Keith, buddy...I got your back.
The 'daring sympathetic listee' would be me....(Trudes)
I confess, my original post probably prompted you to communicate off
list with me concerning our mutual preference for forum over
list....buds that we are.
The point of the DARE was to live vicariously through someone (you) who
is not afraid of confrontation.... (read...ballsy)
 As I mentioned earlier, I think the only solution to our difference of
tastes (forum/lists) is to agree to disagree and hopefully both methods
will thrive.
Non-confrontational wimp that I am, I will state (in the style of
someone else before me)  I'm PRO FORUM rather than anti-list.
If I was ever asked to choose it would definitely be for a forum.
But, since that question has not come up and each medium is currently
available....live and let live is my code of ethics for now.  I can
handle both ways.
Apparently I am still wanting to communicate with all of you or I
wouldn't be posting 'here'...I would be posting 'there'.  
Maybe I consider the forum people my family, but you listees are good
neighbors, I hope.
Trudes xo


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