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RE: Fetch Me the Pongmaster!

Drew Wrote:
Even if I didn't run the forums in question, I still prefer them to
list-based boards. By far. In fact, the OTR list is one of only three
lists I use. The rest are forums.

Trudes responds:
I also like forums.  But, please read on: 
The only list I subscribe to is this one...and I subscribed because it
was the only means available to interact with other fans about a common
interest.  In my mind it is compicated and requires that I switch to
plain text and delete previous stuff written and point out to whose
message I am referring,etc.....my comfortable and graphic style HTML
format is not allowed.
It did take some learning and for someone not familiar with how it
works, a list can be intimidating cause you know what you write is going
into everyone's mailbox.  
On the other hand, most of you good folks here on this list have been
very helpful in teaching me how to work it.  It's through you guys I
came to be much more familiar with the history of OTR.....This list has
been here for so many years and has been supported by K&L and OTR staff
since day one.  It's something that isn't broken and shouldn't be thrown
It's just a matter of what we like and are comfortable with and what
works on our computer and our workplace environment.
Personally, I would love to see both methods thrive.
What could be better for the ever increasing fanbase but more choices
and greater variety?  And, more ways to spread the word about what a
great band OTR is?
Just my 2cents.
Trudy xo

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