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the beauty of a secret (Re: Pornambulis)

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Bruce Lachey wrote:

> >Well, how do you measure or determine "problems rooted in pornography"?
> >If you're talking about a violent crime in which a main piece of
> >evidence is loads of kiddy porn on the perpetrator's hard drive, that
> >sort of thing - well, maybe not a lot. But most of its negative
> >effects, even if accounted for statistically, aren't typically
> >attributed to porn. Things like divorce, sexual compulsion and
> >addiction, neglected kids, financial ruin, ruined ministries...that
> >sort of thing.
> >
> >For Pete's sake, we're talking about an addiction. The numbers are
> >staggering.
> Again, I think a lot of the numbers are compiled here - where porn is
> considered taboo.  Everywhere I've been in Holland is a delight!  It
> doesn't seem like the average people are suffering or living these
> horrificly depraved lives.  How does it work there but not here?  Can't
> we have our porn and eat it too?  Err.  Whatever they are doing, we
> should try it!  It seems to work!

porn is a delight?

that's great.

all those people wandering around who look to not be struggling.

that's the whole point, it's such a secret, it can fester for *ten* years
in a family, and no one can know what's going on.

then it comes out, and not only is a marriage wrecked or at least
experiencing its dying gasps.  the children (whether grown or not) are
affected, the community is, it just grows unchecked.

i don't think it's something you can just say 'see, look i don't see
anyone struggling here in country X, it must be the fault of prudish
values in *your* country'

> Statistics can be manipulated lots of cool ways.  It makes arguing in
> the "modern" day not so fun.  I'm sure there are studies out there that
> "prove"  the point both ways.

yes they can. and yea they do. so it comes down to moral views and

> I wish I could attribute a quarter of all the stupid things I've done in
> my life to porn.  But sadly, I'm not that clever.

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