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Cover Song

I was watching TV and an ad for Kohls came on.  They're using an
old song from the 70's in it and I started to think how much
Linford & Karin remind me of The Captain & Tenille. (Yes, I am
old enough to remember them, and their short-lived variety
show).  I guess it's because Karin does most of the talking and
Linford adds the occaisonal quip from behind the keyboard at
stage right. But I don't think The Captain spoke, ever.  That
was his thing.

So, I'm musing over these similarities, and then it hits me -
how hilarious, and yet, appropriate, would it be for them to
perform "Love Will Keep Us Together" as their first song back?
This definitely isn't a suggestion, or a request ... just a
moment of fun I had while imagining it.


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