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Re: Forum for OTR stuff?


> what sticks out in my mind is that long and individually personalized URL:
> http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/dasmith/otr/

Yeah, at the time (1994, mind you) I didn't know it was possible to register
domain names.  I also didn't know if I could do that and link it to an MIT
site.  (I'm still not sure I was really *supposed* to be running a commercial
site off of the Institute's servers.  But since I wasn't getting paid for it, I
figured there was at least no ethical problem there.)  And I kept telling the
band that www.mit.edu/~dasmith/otr would work, and was a little shorter.  But
they kept sending out the other one.  :-)

> And PS! while looking for that URL, I accidentally stubled on the bit of info
> about when you first started listening to the band.  It was the same time as
> me.  Early 1992, right?

Well, I first heard *of* them in summer of 92, but I didn't actually hear the
*music* until summer of 93, because the day after someone held up a copy of
"Till We Have Faces" and said "you're going to love this band" I went off to
Europe for a year.  But then I heard them play at Cornerstone the day after I
got back, and was entranced.  Went straight to the merch tent after the set
and bought TWHF on the spot.  Almost bought Patience, too, but decided to
wait and get it at a music store to try to contribute to sales charts.  Of
course, I ended up getting the Scampering Songs version later, anyway.  :-)

See you later,
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas@umich.edu                                http://www.rotse.net/dasmith/

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