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Shuba's Review (2nd attempt)

Well I didn't make it to the Saturday show but I did make it to the Sunday 
Shuba's show and here's  few thoughts.First off I've never made any secret 
to the fact that I hate Shuba's and tonight was one of the main reasons 
why.The place was soldout and for some reason they neglected to have the air 
conditoning on making it feel like we were standing in a stinky and I mean 
STINKY sweatpit.The band came on promptly at 9 ish.Karin wearing a jacket 
with a furry collar which she took off after the second song because of the 
heat.The full band sounded awesome and Karin as usual was flawless.The 
was the same as the Beachland show.Early in the show Karin dedicated a 
song(I forgot which one) to
the main guy from Back Porch who OK'd the double record set.He was standing 
in the back of the room right next to me.So I asked him "Can't you make this 
woman a star"?He said we're trying but
WXRT won't play them.Then I asked him "how come we're not in the "Americana" 
charts (which in Radio & Records magazine charts all the Folksy/artsy stuff 
like Gillian Welsh etc...) and he said the Americana people don't think 
they're "Americana enough" ! ??? I told him if "Ohio" is not an Americana
album then theyr'e idiots.God forbid your'e a little diverse style wise !! 
Back to the show..."Life Long Fling/Aint No Sunshine" was incredible as 
Karin said "this has been dubbed our makeout song,and that's alright with 
me".As well as "the people last night didn't get the 2 song version".
"Ohio and BPD" sounded great. "All I Need Is Everything" was one of the 
greatest versions ever !
Into "The World Can Wait" which on this night was the bombastic industrial 
version which I'm still trying
to come to grips with if I liked it or not as Karin was kind of drowned out 
by the bombast thus I believe
lost the feeling of the song in my opinion."When I Go" was a show stopper as 
one of my favorites I waited with anticipation as the new kid guitar hero 
Paul started the lead section which I've alway's loved.Well let me tell you 
this guy launches into a prolonged shredding guitar lead that literally tore 
the roof off the place to a massive ovation.I don't think even Karin and 
Linford have ever seen anyone attack a guitar like that ! Prompting Karin to 
say "and you thought we we're a little folk band....LOL". I'm not sure if 
Paul is as right for this band as Jack was but he certainly adds a change of 
pace as well as great background vocals."Changes Come" ended the show and 
was great sending everyone running from the sweatpit to get some fresh 
air.All in all a fine refreshing performance.I can't wait for the 
Fitzgeralds show where I hope they'll be a little more breathing room and 
can only hope that someday they'll play a larger venue with seats !!!!!!! I 
tried to send this this morning but it never went thru?
I was standing by the stove next to Nick.

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