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Re: TWHF questions and some Lewis stuff too

Kristen wrote:

> Q is regarding the last two songs.  I assume one is a
> Ric creation and the other I couldn't even guess.  Do
> the songs have names?

The first one is 'Downfall' - no 16 on the tracklist.  The inlay states 'As
for downfall, the guitar solo was performed and recorded by Rik Hordinski on
Orchard Street (Used courtesy of Mongrel Records)  The piano and vocal bits
at the end were recorded by Jeff Krys and Bill Gwyne at The Corbett Studio
in Cincinatti.  Downfall is 2.45 when travelling at the speed of light.' -
at normal speed, downfall is 3.32!

>What, if any, is the background
> behind their insertion in this CD?

I think IRS (or possibly OTR) wanted to make this a 'special' edition of
TWHF - to distinguish it from the independent release.  I'm not sure, but I
think the original release had a different hidden track at the end?

>And does the last
> one have actual words because I can't for the life of
> me figure out what they would be.

If they are words, they're not English!  Is Karin singing in tongues? ;-)

> And speaking of Till We Have Faces, has anyone here
> read Lewis' book of the same name?  It's incredible
> and one of my favorites, though it seems to be one of
> his more unknown works.  For those who have read it,
> what are your thoughts?

I found it quite wonderfully surreal - almost as dreamlike as 'The Pilgrim's
Regress' and 'The Great Divorce', both of which I'd also recommend.


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