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Rusty Message Bucket List (was Re: Ohio CD)

howdy trudes!

--- Trudy <ortrudes at mindspring_com> wrote:

> I really would like to get a copy of the lyrics though.  Does
> anyone have any suggestions?  

they're an the recordings page for now - not the lyrics page. :)


> I just wondered that, because there is apparently complete
> satisfaction
> with the way it's being done now, what would be the harm in
> the website
> administrators keeping this method and 'trying out' a message
> board format AS WELL.  

it's not complete satisfaction in that i agree with your view of
message boards trudes and i wish i would've said it this good
when i posted the original ML vs. MB question.  i love this
list, it's like Ysoie said "i LIKE seeing you all in my
in-box!".  it's just that the scatterness of it all throws me
off - especially on really active days.  i also wish i had been
whipper-snapper-ish as you to suggest a message board "AS WELL".
 i mean, if you go here;


considering that page has looked like that since i first became
a fan in august 2000, it's obvious they're not opposed to it and
have (had?) every intention to start one up.  maybe a little
suggestive nudges might get it going 'as well'?

> I know that there are a great many Cowboy Junkies
> message board participants who have so much to offer regarding
> Over the Rhine fan-man-ship 

i've lurked there for months finally joining last week and
trudes ain't kiddin'... there are some fun people and a bunch 'o
love for OtR over there.

> Trust me.I am
> not trying to fix what's not broken.I would just like to
> enhance a
> wonderful sharing experience to include a broader fan base.

again, excellently put trudes. :)


~ and trudes - see ya in denver.  i'm seriously thinking of
wearing one of those ridiculously touristy straw hats w/ fake
hawaiian flowers in it so you won't miss me/us.  ;)

"Even if I did succeed in giving a little something beautiful back to the world, of what possible use could it be?  Is there room in the world for one more beautiful thing?  Or wait: does all this nonchalant loveliness cry, Glory, glory, glory?  Does the world cry out, Let there be music?  Am I caught up in something?"                -- Linford Detweiler, Unsung

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