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Re: What's everybody reading?

--- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Coyote Lazarus wrote:

>> Why am I not surprised you're the other person on the list reading this?

>she might be currently, bu ti've read them

As have I. I really like/d them -I haven't finished Avatar yet. 

>i like th epicture on the front of the books

>it's exotic.

And very like the tat that I had designed for my back (if you leave out the 'flower' part of it). I'm still debating as to whether I should get it done and look like I copied it off of those books, or go back to the drawing board. 

I'm also reading: 
'The Emerging church', by Dan Kimball. An interesting look into socio/cultural trends, and how they should affect the church, but almost too trendy -it won't matter in 10 years. 'The Way of the Heart' by Henri Nouwen. I keep going back to this book, visiting it over and over. 
The 'Darkover' series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I somehow missed this one -it's not necessary reading, but ok. 

That's about all I can take at once.
Back to the books,

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