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Re: Radio, radio. (OtR information)

--- Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:
> I know, I know - you're
> all whining and saying, 
> "they have such a weak signal!!  I couldn't possibly
> get that station in!!"  
> Fret not, you little whiners (haha) - www.woxy.com
> streams a quality signal.

that's cool, bruce... now if you can do anything about
the fact that none of the dells in my department has a
sound card, you would win my "human of the month"
award :)

would it be ridiculous to quit a job b/c the powers
that be don't supply me with sound?  what do you
*mean* the company doesn't exist for my personal


(mutters to himself),

eric (is that being whiny enough?) ;)

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