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RE: Radio, radio. (OtR information)

--- Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:
>> I know, I know - you're
>> all whining and saying, 
>> "they have such a weak signal!!  I couldn't possibly
>> get that station in!!"  
>> Fret not, you little whiners (haha) - www.woxy.com
>> streams a quality signal.
>that's cool, bruce... now if you can do anything about
>the fact that none of the dells in my department has a
>sound card, you would win my "human of the month"
>award :)
>would it be ridiculous to quit a job b/c the powers
>that be don't supply me with sound?  what do you
>*mean* the company doesn't exist for my personal
>(mutters to himself),
>eric (is that being whiny enough?) ;)
Hey, I've got a sound card, it is actually pretty good.  Unfortunately we
have a very mean firewall here.  He actually thinks we should work all day
and shouldn't be streaming, downloading, talking in chat rooms or looking at
naked pictures.  Imagine that!

He even sent back an email my wife sent me because in the subject line she
put 3 X's followed by 3 O's (you know hugs and kisses) and I got a note that
an email was killed due to possible pornographic content.

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