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Re: Re: I like books

On 6/26/03 1:32 PM, quoth the effervescent shadow at teuton_org at 
shadow at teuton_org:

>you'd be the spiffy girl.
>i'd be the clumsyish ron. tripping over things and turning red

Hey, so was Neville, and wait til you see him now! Oh, you MUST read the 
new one!

>have'nt read the new one yet
>> I'm a Gryffindor-- hwo about you? (HOW, by the way-- I HATE my own typos.)
>of course!
>and my 'guin is a hufflepuff

I'm waiting to see what my new dog will be.

Oh. That's right.


Her name's Kahlua, and she arrives next week from Tennessee. I'm sure 
y'all can imagine I'm incredibly excited, and some of the happy is 

"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish 
world, the one that never deserts him, never proves ungrateful or 
treacherous, is his dog...He will kiss the hand that has no food to 
offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the 
roughness of the world...When all other friends desert, he remains." 
George G. Vest

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