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Re: Ghosts and physcis and stuff

"Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca> writes:
>Um, to my recollection, there have only been, like, two occasions when
>*anyone* has *ever* asked the UN for permission to go to war -- and on
>both of those occasions (Korea in 1950, Iraq in 1991), it was the United
>States that did the asking.  No other nation, to my knowledge, has asked
>the UN for permission to go to war -- and indeed, America has gone to war
>in Kosovo and elsewhere without getting permission from the UN first.

You're correct, but does that invalidate the charter? If the charter is no
good, then the UN itself has no authority and then our entire stated
reason for going in (Iraq blatantly ignored and defied UN resolution 1441)
is just smoke and mirrors. Do two wrongs make a right? France ignored the
charter, so we get to?
> since when has getting "approval from
>the UN" been a prerequisite for military action?

Since we A: ratified the UN Charter, and B: made failure to comply with a
UN resoluton the point of contention for war. 
>But what assertion is my dad trying to prove?  The only assertion he needs
>to prove is that you have failed to give your dad the proof that backs up
>*your* assertion.  And the fact that you lock your dad out of your bedroom
>and that he lets you get away with it wouldn't be very encouraging.

Who said I locked him out? He came once, left of his own recognizance*,
and then came back when your dad started mkaing a fuss. He was in there,
studiously looking, until he heard *your* dad was going to come in with
his *own* far more powerful fireworks to blow things all to hell. My dad
wants to know the truth, but he also isn't interested in having me pick up
peices of him from the corners of his room. Why couldn't your dad wait
till my dad had decided one way or another? 

*(Saddam/Iraq never threw UN weapons inspectors out - that's a myth. They
left because they were frustrated at the way they were being treated. But
they weren't kicked out.)
>Okay, perhaps there is a second assertion my dad needs to prove -- namely,
>that you are plotting to harm him.  After all, what business is it of his
>if you have fireworks in your bedroom, right?  But if you're friends with
>a bunch of ruffians, some of whom hate my dad's guts, and some of whom
>merely hate the guts of my dad's friends, and all of whom have sworn to do
>nasty stuff to my dad if they ever get fireworks, then that would be
>pretty convincing proof, I think, that something needs to be done there.

You dad might want to prove I'm friends with these ruffians. The only
ruffian suspected of doing your dad any harm has gone on record several
times as hating my guts. 
- John

np: "Long Distance" - Turin Brakes

John Paul Davis
Center for Community Learning
Antioch College

Ned Flanders: Let's just agree to disagree
Principal Skinner: I don't agree to that
Mrs. Krabapple: Me neither


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