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Re: Heading down to Cornerstone, gonna have myself a time

Drew Johnson wrote- 

"It looks like I'll be heading on down to Cornerstone this year...I
should also mention that if you folks want to say 'hi, 'this year, I'm
going to be volunteering at the Imaginarium...Should be fun. 
And besides, you _know_ you want to go to the _Twin Peaks_ Seminar..."
{I don''t think that they've had one of those since 1999}. 

For the annual RMC BBQ, I have procured two jars of salsa from the
restaurant that seems to always feed your Commander-in-Chief, when he's
in town, and, I am working on other non-perishable forms of regional
fare; it's too bad that a green chilé ice cream sundae, from Scoopy's,
in Socorro, isn't transportable.

Please bring Moxie! to the RMC BBQ, and RSVP  rmcbbq at tollbooth_org 

NP-> Black Jesus- "V.I.P. Luv"

"I'm not some Tammy Wynette standing by her man...As a wife I wanted to
wring Bill's neck."-United States Senator Hillary Rodham

"I love the road." 
Kylie Wilkerson

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