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Re: Auctions - OTR Content

Michael Cade wrote:

>Here however is my OTR question.  What kind of things would you like to see
>offered up for auction as OTR memorabilia?  Not meaning the stuff that we
>see out on eBay like the trading cards and things of that nature but honest
>to goodness one of a kinds.  Some of my thoughts would be Karin's combat
>boots from concerts past, the "knit" hat Linford wore during the Eve era,
>the 9:30 clock (although IIRC it was either broken or came up missing).
 A certain Mister Briquet broke that... I heard him confess!

>So anyone else?
>Also if anyone has one of those OTR lanyards and want to part with it, I
>could offer cash or maybe a trade of some sort.  Email me off line.
A lock of Karin's hair
The trailer used to record FFR

-Smitty the uh...fan.

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