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Re: TV or not TV

barry, i'm with ya buddy.  i too, love tv.  i watch more of HBO
series and movie channels than sitcoms or other shows and for me
it is better than going to a bar, and i do drink alchohol.  i'm
not anti meeting people, i've had my share of conversations with
people i knew from before and strangers.  but not everyone wants
or craves that interaction.  so that movie on the sundance
channel that i've been wanting to see or 'six feet under' or a
'that 70's show' episode i haven't seen, etc, are a lot more
pleasing to *my* senses than leaving the house a lot of the
times.  besides, the beer's cheaper at home. ;)

more $0.02


"You can't be a real country unless you have beer and an airline.  
It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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