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Re: The band is influencing me in a bad way :-(


I know how you feel.  When Eve first came out, I kept it in the car for 8-9
months straight--I only took it out because I made a loop of Bothered on a
cassette and played that over and over since the CD wouldn't repeat the hidden
track--anyone know what I mean here?

That was '94 though, now I listen to them about every few weeks or so.  Why?  I
don't know...I had this discussion before on this list and it's still
pertinent.  whey do I do the things I don't find enjoyable, and skip the things
that I do find enjoyable?  I *am* crazy--and not having fun! aaagggg!

okay, continue on with the normal disussions, crazy mark is gone now.


btw, I have a really soft, non-jarring cd in the alarm clock--well the track I
wake to is anyway--it's Flickerstick's "lift"


"Wisdom has two parts: Having a lot to say and not saying it."--from a Dove Promises foil

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