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Re: Track Numbers, etc....whatever...

hi dusty, u dont no me and i dont no u, im new round here but i couldnt help but notice your story on numerology, after seeing an episode of the x files a while back they were investigating cases on numerology, and i found it quite interesting, since then i have wanted to no what no. i am, but i dont no how! can you tell me how you work it out
p.s i liked your story, i have had days like that too, (the numbers) that is, and the drinks

 <dustyvolume at yahoo_com> wrote:
Okay, first let me say that I will be in rare form tongight---I just mixed up
probably the best white russian I ever have--I used Absolute 100 proof,
Kaluah, and something I can't recall the name, but it has an elepant on the
bottle and it grows in africa--then I added half and half and milk--ohhhhh man.
man what a punch that thing turned out to have--did i mention that it was
mixed up in a 24 oz glass?

Anyway, I often have these strange thoughts like track number so and so is
going to be great--do we just make that track good, because we expect it to be,
or are we more prone to notice certain numbers because those numbers are
important to us?

this reminds me of a story where (not too long ago) I was recently freaked out
by numerology. I actually thought I invented numerology, but I
digress--anyway, I was seeing "elevens" everywhere I looked and! I addded up all
the numbers in my name and they were ELEVEN! it freaked me out--when I came
home (I have a 300 disc changer) my changer was stopped with a disc stuck in
the changer--I could not get it out--yep, you guessed it, it was stuck on
number 11! when I finally got the disc out of the changer, it was No Doubt!
as if I shouldn't doubt the power of numerology--well, I was really freaking
out, but after I calmed down, I realized I had added up all the numbers in my
name wrong, and I wasn't actually an 11, but a 4! Thank God for my ineptitude
in math! :)

so, if this makes any sense, it will be a miracle--or will it be a mudslide??


--- "Lawlor, Barry" wrote:
> That is all.
> Out here,
> Barry

"Wisdom has two parts: Having a lot to say and not saying it."--from a Dove Promises foil

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