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Re: danger


Speaking of music that moves.  I was just a part of a unique research study at
my college by someone doing his "undergraduate dissertation"  whatever that

We took a battery of tests (3 I think) where we answered questions about what
kind of mood we were in at the time (rated statements like "I feel furious" on
a scale of 1-6)and then graphed our mood on a 8x11 grid--we were then played
the song by Tori Amos "'97 Bonnie and Clyde" and then asked to take the whole
battery of questionnaires again as well as rate the song.  My mood dropped
greatly during the song.  I found myself answering on a level 3 (out of 6) to
questions like "I feel furions" in which my before the song response was a 1.

Do any Tori fans have any thing to say about this?


--- wrosesongs at fastmail_fm wrote:

> hi, my name is zayne, and i'm a music junkie. i have taken the first step
> by admitting that i am powerless over music that moves me...

"Wisdom has two parts: Having a lot to say and not saying it."--from a Dove Promises foil

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