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RE: Souls destroyed

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 11:15, David Dean wrote:
> I'm not talking about topic...I'm talking about participation....these
> exchanges become a three-way/four-way conversation that really doesn't
> include anyone else or, relate to anyone else.

Oh, but it does.  Just because people like me don't post as often
doesn't mean we're not enjoying the chat.  It just so happens that

a) someone else posts pretty much what I was going to say before I get a
chance to say it, 'cuz I don't check the list *that* often.

b) I don't have time to check the list in a given timeframe, and have to
end up just deleting the 256 emails over the 3-day period to maintain

c) I am about to reply but something shiny on my screen distracts me,
and I end up coding MPI_Accumulate.

But I've been giving a small chuckle to myself at every Strong Bad
reference Dan has made, almost replying back and shouting
"Trooogdoooooooor!" or "The Cheat is not dead!" but then deciding better
of it.  And I was going to reply to Ys's comment about "reply all",
saying that a proper list should be set up so that clicking "reply"
would simply send back to the list instead of the sender and that would
alleviate some of the problem, but then I realized there's really
nothign we can do, so I decided I'm going to upgrade to RedHat 9

Ah, Friday.

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