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> John Paul Davis wrote:
> > given that Elrond is himself a son of an elf and a human,
> Well, technically he was the *grandson* of elves and humans, 

Eep. Yep. Wow. You, like know a whole lot more about Middle Earth history than
moi.  But I should've remember his lineage a little better.

> > The whole thing had a Hollywood feel to it, and it bothered me. 
> Would you explain that further?  What gives it a "Hollywood" feel?  Given that
> it was made in New Zealand, with the majority of the crew having no connection
> to Hollywood, I'm curious why you picked that particular epithet.

Ah - I phrased it badly. By "the whole thing" I meant the business between Arwen
and Elrond, not the entire movie. That also counts for this:
> > Plus it was badly written.

"it" being that scene, not the rest of the film. I'm with you about the rest of
the film preserving much of Tolkein's dialogue and flavor. What I mean was that
the dialogue in that scene sounded forced and over-the-top. Elrond as a hard-ass
dad? Come on! Arwen as a pouty Juliet? Not likely - the woman's centuries old
after all - old enough to make her own decisions. 
Any woman who can outride Nazgul and then call down big rushing floods on them,
washing them away should be able to date whomever she pleases in my book.
But more to the point - I just have never seen the elves as having that kind of
parent/child relationship. 

> My only complaints are the way they only portrayed one side of Faramir's
> character (and distorted it at that), and that they sent Elves to Helm's Deep.

I did not like those aspects either. Amd I was pissed that Fangorn forest did
not move to Helm's Deep as it did in the book. I was looking forward to seeing
that on the big screen. I say: less giant hyenas, more Fangorn forest!
Faramir was handled badly. It did not make for much tension to have him be all
greedy in the film- what made the fact that he couldn't have the Ring in the
book so frustrating is that he was so *good* - you get the sense that he, of all
people, would be a good ringbearer, when you also know that it'd eat away at him. 

I hope this clears matters up.

- John

np: Carribean Fire dance - Joe

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