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Re: Re: TTT

On 1/2/03 7:45 PM, quoth the effervescent Don Smith at 
dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu:

>> it makes no sense for him to berate Arwen as he does.
>Well, yes and no.  I see your point, but I don't think it's terribly hard to
>retcon.  First of all, the other two human/elf pairings were back in the 
>Age, when the Valar still got directly involved in Middle Earth.  There is no
>way that Arwen and Aragorn are going to get cut the same kind of breaks that
>the others did.  Secondly, and related, those pairings took place when there
>was still two-way traffic to Valinor.  The Elves were at the peak of their
>civilization.  *Now*, the Elves are packing up and leaving.  After Aragorn
>dies, there won't even be any one-way trips left.  She's stuck here.
>All of which is to say that Elrond *might* not have argued the way he did if
>the story were set 6000 years before, but the world has changed since 
>then, and
>I think his reaction makes sense in the Third/Fourth Age context.  Of course,
>ultimately, it's Jackson/Walsh&co.'s guess, anyway, because it isn't in the
>book.  But it's not a bad guess, and I think heightens the epic quality of
>their relationship, especially for viewers who haven't read the book and 
>not get all the ramifications of that relationship.

My G-d. The two of you! Has it not occured to you that he doesn't want to 
see his daughter marry a human because he doesn't want her to stay in 
Middle Earth and leave him? To possibly age and die? To wander, lost in 
endless grief, all alone?

"Do I not also have your love?"

Guess what I finally saw yesterday?

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