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Over the Rizzine

they played a good mix... Spinning (opener w/ a wonderful cello) and
Give Me Strength (Karin solo on piano) were the highlights for me.  the
cello was also a VERY nice touch this year.  Bill Mallonee played a
great set.  i picked up his new CD for only $10 (yay!).  thai food
beforehand, cake testing at bonbonerie even more beforehand.  all in
all, a GREAT and FABULOUS evening.

i think this might have been the best set that they've played for an
XMas show that i've attended...

the only gripe is that the Taft's seats are difficult sometimes.  but
that's not OtR's fault.  or is it?  we may never know.  or may we?

it was great to see some of y'all... Jessica (C.) [JC, Margarita says
"HI" and is sorry that she didn't find you to chat], Jessyka (H.),
Jessica (W.), Bri@n, Melissa, Chad (Canipe), The Drew, Wendy, Jay,
Lynzi, Eric, Chris, Rick, et al.  i hope all y'all had fun this evening
post-show... sore throat and sore back makes me something something.

go crazy?

don't mind if i do.

fighting naked,

:o   ;)

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