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Re: let's all be good citizens

--- JLuvzMusyk at aol_com wrote:

> what's the worst part is, i have NO idea what i would be voting for.  

Jess, that's not the worst part--the worst part is actually researching the
candidates and finding that when you acutally cast your vote, you're saying yes
to the lesser of the two money-grabbing, mud-slinging, selfish, elitist, good
for nothings, except what's in their own best interest, pigs.  

Most elections, I'd rather be ignorant to the facts, than knowingly helping one
of these schmucks into office.

I was in line today to vote, and I was the only person under 55 in the whole
place, and I felt utterly disconnected from the whole political participation
scenario.  I asked myself 'what am I doing here?'  I would have bolted for the
door if not for all the time it would have cost me and I was already running

Hey, I don't sound bitter do I?

If not, I can always try harder.

Mark ;)


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